Product Overview

  1. To Stores
    1. Product Information
      1. Sku codes
      2. Product Codes
      3. Bar Codes
      4. Product Levels
      5. Bill of Material
      6. Colours
      7. Sizes
      8. Attributes
    2. Store List
    3. Store Levels
    4. Suppliers
    5. Debtors
    6. Currencies
    7. Tax Codes
    8. Petty Cash Codes
    9. Stock Transfers (IBTO)
    10. Purchase Orders
    11. Reason Codes
    12. Employees
    13. Discounts
    14. Customers
    15. Scheduled Stock Counts
    16. Time and Attendance data
  2. From Stores
    1. Sale Details
    2. Stock Movement
    3. End of Day Details
    4. End of Day Terminal totals
    5. Goods Received Data (GRV)
    6. Goods Returned Data (GRS)
    7. Debtor Transactions
    8. Stock Transfers Sent (IBTO)
    9. Stock Transfers Received (IBTI)
    10. Stock Adjustments
    11. Stock on Hand
    12. Laybuy Transactions
    13. New Customers
    14. Stock take details
  3. Debtors
    1. Quotations
    2. Sales Orders
    3. Invoices
  1. From Debtors
    1. Credit Notes
  2. To Warehouse
    1. Same as 1, but direct as the transact on the same database.
  3. From Warehouse
    1. Same as 2, but direct as the transact on the same database.
  4. To Suppliers
    1. Purchase Orders
    2. Goods Returned (GRS)
  5. From Suppliers
    1. Goods Received (GRV)
  6. From Financials
    1. Suppliers
    2. Debtors
    3. Tax Codes
    4. Cost Codes
    5. GL Accounts
  7. To Financials
    1. Sales (cash)
    2. Invoices
    3. Credit Notes
    4. Cost of Sales
    5. Purchases
    6. Returns to Supplier
    7. Stock Transfers
    8. Stock Adjustments
    9. Tenders
    10. ....
  8. To Online Store
    1. Product information
    2. Images
    3. Completed Orders
    4. Tax Codes
    5. Categories
    6. Stock On Hand
  9. From Online Store
    1. Orders
  10. To Job Card
    1. Issue Stock
  11. From Job Card
    1. Stock Returned
    2. Stock Issued for invoicing
    3. Job Log for invoicing
Merchandising Point of Sale Job Cards
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